Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2016

San Francisco: Quick Guide

Before I reach San Francisco, I only have one thing and only one thing in mind: Why is every movie destroying San Francisco???

Friday, January 1, 2016

San Francisco: Best spot to view the Golden Gate Bridge

You are here in San Francisco, looking out to the ocean and the famous bridge featured in so many Blockbuster Movies. It is always the first bridge to collapse during world apocalypse, always the first bridge to run to when one is engaged in a car-chase... even the apes like to swing on this bridge. Seriously! Why is every movie destroying San Francisco?!!

And I know what you are thinking: you want to take your own postcard snapshot of it, spending hours googling online "the best place to view the Golden Gate Bridge". I understand that, been there, done that.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

San Francisco: more than 80 totally FREE things to do in SF

Time didn't allow me to do ALL these... but it sure gives me a reason to be back again. Let me round it up for you: the incredible free things to do in this expensive city, as suggested by some of my friends on couchsurfing.
image via wikipedia

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

San Francisco: 2 days in SF

I did not have enough of San Francisco! 2 days, minus the time for Pride Parade, technically I was only left with 1 1/2 day to explore the city. "Let's just try to make full use of the little time left..." and so I thought. Why not.