Showing posts with label Iceland Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iceland Food. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Day We Ate Svið (Sheep Head) in Iceland

Introducing, the dish that gave me 3 days of nightmare. Hence, I felt like it deserves a special blog post. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

20 Food You Should Not Miss In Iceland

I once thought Iceland being an isolated country surrounded by the sea, has little resources and raw material, resulting in limited food choice. I've never thought that one day I would be interested in Icelandic cuisine, until my first Icelandic dish was sent to my table-- Reindeer and puffin appetizer. The Icelanders are survivors. They are creative in developing a unique set of national cuisine, making the best out of limited raw material. This guide serves as a rough introduction to Icelandic cuisine
If you've tried something exceptionally good in Iceland, or straight-out weird, which is not yet on the list, let me know by commenting below! Let's start a discussion, everyone is welcome. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Food Affair: An Affordable Feast For The Whole Family In Iceland @ Bryggjan, Akureyri

At the Akureyri Tourist Information Center, the girl at the counter recommended us The Bryggjan restaurant for a casual meal. Since it was quite a short walk away and the fact that it is connected to another amazing restaurant in Akureyri— Strikid, we found ourselves heading east towards the harbor at the edge of “Old Town". 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Food Affair: A Modern Twist On Traditional Icelandic Cuisine by Matur Og Drykkur, Reykjavik

        A month prior to my Iceland trip, I was thinking of bringing food from France into Iceland. I know some Icelander must be rolling their eyes right now but don't exit this page yet. You can't really blame us, I've never seen Iceland make the cut in any "foodie capitals" lists, all I knew about Icelandic Food was rotten sharks and creepy sheep heads I once saw on the Discovery Channel and you know it did not help with the situation. Utterly lost, I’ve turned to the Tourism Board for advice. Their reply was prompt, attaching several restaurant recommendations and they spoke highly of Matur Og Drykkur, a newly opened restaurant that induces an innovative, exciting modern twist to local food fare. While I am not such a risk taker when it comes to food, I gave it a second thought… why not for once I'll be adventurous, experimental, just for Iceland. And the result? Exceptional. Matur og Dryykur took my taste buds out for a Helluva-ride... Let me tell you this: there's only one thing you should do now-- Bookmark this for future use.     
Matur Og Drykkur, Revkjavik

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

ICELANDIC GOURMET FEAST--- You Won't Want To Miss This!

Food... it strikes us with excitement and ignites our mood ALL THE TIME, I guess all Malaysians can definitely relate to this... yeah, we, who hail from a country dubbed as the "Food Paradise" know the best. So my first post about my trip to Iceland, it’s none other than an entry to recommend a good restaurant in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Food Affair: Fine Dining In Iceland with Strikid, Akureyri

After a whole week camping out in the wilderness of Iceland eating mediocre camping food, I’ve finally had enough. So I researched online in search of the best restaurant in Akureyri, and handpicked Strikið Restaurant and Bar to take care of our first splurge dinner in Iceland. It is voted by travelers as one of the top 3 restaurants to visit in Akureyri, at first, I was a little wary of it being a tourist trap, but turned out, it was not only good, it went beyond my expectation.