Showing posts with label Volgograd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volgograd. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Winter II: The Snow returns

Yes, snow is very beautiful, but it is meant for winter, not spring....
Queen Elsa, Please go back to Arendelle. Frozen Russia need spring.

As you can see, Its heavily snowing outside my window, and no, you’re not confused and yes, it is currently April! It’s supposed to be a warm winter, but what an irony when I found snow in my room in an april morning (my window had broken due to some unknown reason).

So those who are planning to visit Russia during spring, expecting a whole bunch of flower out there, think again…. Put your calendar and geography knowledge aside and check the weather forecast instead (sometimes not so accurate either, because weather here is quite unpredictable.) 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Musical in New Experimental Theatre, Volgograd

I’ve never been to a musical in Russia before and I am truly glad to have this production “Romeo and Juliet” as my first musical play.

And no, it’s not a classical play by William Shakespeare.  On the contrary, it’s rather sophisticated. Romeo and Juliet, in modern times. Although I am not a good reviewer on musical plays and theatre, the show was great and I really enjoyed it despite of the language barrier. Every plays like this require a lot of hard work on stage and off stage, so a standing ovation is the thing that they deserve.  

Photo before the show. (girls only)

Tickets in russian.

photos during break time.

Information of NET:
Address: 400131, Volgograd. World Street 5 

Phones numbers: 
Advance bookings: 38-08-39 or 8-902-361-90-01 Meleshina Nadezhda 
Cashier: 38-08-45 
operation time 
Mon-Fri: 10.00 - 19.00 
Sat, Sun: 10.00 - 18.00