Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

3 Days In Saint Petersburg: Itinerary Sharing

       I had my Saint Petersburg CityPass in hand since I first day in Russia (collected it in GUM together with my Moscow CityPass), allowing me to pre-plan my journey with the help of the Saint Petersburg Guidebook.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Apply a Russian Tourist Visa in Malaysia (A Step by Step Guide)

       Have you ever picture yourself traveling in Russia? Although Russia is not such a “normal” destination in your wanderlust radar, it is slowly gaining popularity. Proof? When I traveled in Northern Russia a year ago, I only spent around $200+ for 5 days, however, few months back I was informed by readers that the tours in the same region are now triple the price! I am not sure if my post about the region that got about 3k shares had anything to do with it, but the fact is: Russian Tourism is catching up, if you've been to Moscow, you'll know what I mean. So in order to be able to experience this country when it is still cheap and authentic, you have to come NOW, if not, soon! 
       Although I can’t say that applying for a Russian Tourist Visa Independently is simple, it is certainly not too complicated. I am speaking as a Russian student who needs to visit the consulate every year so I am very familiar with the procedures (well after talking to hundreds of tourist visa applicants throughout the years). Just follow my step by step tutorial here and you’ll get it done by no time. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Musical in New Experimental Theatre, Volgograd

I’ve never been to a musical in Russia before and I am truly glad to have this production “Romeo and Juliet” as my first musical play.

And no, it’s not a classical play by William Shakespeare.  On the contrary, it’s rather sophisticated. Romeo and Juliet, in modern times. Although I am not a good reviewer on musical plays and theatre, the show was great and I really enjoyed it despite of the language barrier. Every plays like this require a lot of hard work on stage and off stage, so a standing ovation is the thing that they deserve.  

Photo before the show. (girls only)

Tickets in russian.

photos during break time.

Information of NET:
Address: 400131, Volgograd. World Street 5 

Phones numbers: 
Advance bookings: 38-08-39 or 8-902-361-90-01 Meleshina Nadezhda 
Cashier: 38-08-45 
operation time 
Mon-Fri: 10.00 - 19.00 
Sat, Sun: 10.00 - 18.00