Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

8 Things You Need to Learn Before Visiting Japan.

       Cultural differences are a part of the experience. But sometimes, we need to do some research to avoid having too much of a shock (to one self and to others). Last year, we’d released an article stating 10 things you should avoid while traveling in Japan… this time, we are counting down the most important things you should absolutely learn prior to your trip to Japan.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Japan Budget Tips: Places to Stay Start from $12 USD in Osaka, Japan

       Yesterday I’ve released an article telling you where to stay in Tokyo on the cheap… However, some of these options are not for everyone and it's good just for a quick rest (for example catching the earliest train.) Here are some budget-friendly options without making you sacrifices comfort in Osaka.

Monday, September 18, 2017

How much will it cost? Cheap and Unique Accommodation in Tokyo (Japan Budget Tips)

        A major part of our spending in Japan is under accommodation. but what if I tell you that nice accommodation options in Tokyo aren’t necessarily expensive? To cut down the cost of the trip, you can:
Japan hotel

Friday, September 15, 2017

13 Budget Tips to Save Money While Traveling in Japan

       Japan is indeed more expensive if compared to other Asian countries. When I first set foot in the country (2009), everything seemed to be made of gold (pricey) and I remembered counting every Yen I had every day before bed just to make sure that I have money to last the whole trip…. well you couldn’t blame me for not knowing any tips and tricks to save, travel blogs then wasn’t as many as now.
Japanese Yen
       Fast forward to today, in this E-era, you can get any information online. Traveling to Japan doesn't sound so intimidating to your wallet anymore. Here is how you can fully enjoy Japan on a Budget:

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Top 20 Russian Souvenirs to Bring Back Home

       I bet you've heard of the Matryoshka dolls, but seeing everyone bringing back the dolls from Russia, it makes you wonder, what else can you buy as souvenirs? You want to be creative, but you also want something traditional... Here are 19 more ideas! Hopefully, this article would help you to find the perfect gift from Russia.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Moscow At Night: Photos and Safety Tips

One thing that you really have to see during your visit to Moscow, is the city's awe-inspiring night view. If you think Moscow is pretty during the day, wait until night falls... when millions of lightbulbs illuminate the city to life.  
Moscow night

Monday, April 10, 2017

Moscow, Russia: 100 Travel Tips

      Russia is a beautiful country, don't be misled by misconceptions and stereotypes. Moscow is one of the most visited cities in Moscow and here are some travel tips I picked up along the way that hopefully will make your first trip to Moscow more enjoyable. 
Moscow beautiful places

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia: 100 Travel Tips

Here I’ve listed down 100 tips to help you make your first trip to Kazan, Russia as enjoyable as possible! 
Kul Sharif Kazan

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Why I Stopped CouchSurfing: It is NOT FREE

Having stayed with 15 hosts across the globe and hosted 5 surfers myself, I decided to take a break from Couchsurfing. Why? Because it costs too much I currently couldn't afford it. Yes you hear it right-- Couchsurfing is NOT FREE. As a matter of fact, it cost A LOT! It cost my time, something even money can't buy.

Monday, January 30, 2017

38 Practical Tips to Traveling in Europe

      Last Summer, I packed my bags and went on my longest trip to date -- 70 days in Europe. I've tried traveling solo, duo, trio and in a group during that period of time and I love single one of the experiences. Summer 2016, thanks for the fondest memories.
      Now, I am by no means an expert but here is some practical stuff I would like to share with all you lovely people. Tips to traveling in Europe, here we go: 

Monday, January 23, 2017

7 Reasons To Travel With A Sleeping Bag

A Sleeping bag takes up quite some space in the backpack but no matter what, I would still bring it along. Instead of putting it into my backpack, I now tie it up to the bottom of my bag instead. For me, it becomes a travel essential, and here is why. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

14 Ways To Ruin A Friendship While Traveling

       Let's face it, even if someone is your best friend, you might be surprised to find out the different side of this person during travels. Travel brings out the best and the worst in a person, especially during stressful times. And we couldn't hide our true colors anymore with the other person being around 24/7. 
       Here are 14 behaviors that will make other people go berserk while traveling. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The 50 Ways I saved enough Money to Travel the World As A Fulltime Student

I am a full-time student in most months and travel full-time on longer holidays. Since I am a student, tips like "avoid school holidays" and "travel off-season" will never work for me. So how to save money as a university student? I am gonna be 100% honest with you... In case anyone decides to judge and say I am just inflicting pain to myself instead of enjoying life, I am willing to prioritize comfort over the opportunity to actually go out there and see the world. So... phew, there goes nothing. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

100 Paris Travel Tips

       Where is my favorite city in the world? Although it’s hard to answer this question, as Paris, the City of Light is the first city in my “100 ___ Travel Tips” series, you know the answer. It might seem cliché, some will even say that it is a highly overrated city and I know their reasons. 
       Now let me reveal the answer to this mystery. Visit Paris on a day trip hopping from one landmark to another without immersing yourself in the culture, and you will most certainly dislike Paris. But if you take it slow, go past the surface and explore its core, Paris will be the most beautiful city you’ve ever seen. 
       Here I’ve listed down 100 tips to help make your first trip to Paris as enjoyable as possible! 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

10 Safety Tips for Sleeping in Airports While Traveling

I know most people wouldn't do this and Sleeping in Airports did get me into trouble sometimes, but when you find yourself in an expensive city with BUDGET hostel dorm beds starting at 60 Euros, and you are nearly broke, I bet you wouldn't mind. After all, sleeping in airports isn't that bad: free wifi, comfortable sofas (in certain places), free aircon... what more do you want? 
Airport seats

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

21 Illegal Things To Avoid While Traveling In Europe

       To be honest with you, I am guilty for I've done most of them except 6 (because heels are for grown-ups), 14 (because mom brought me up the right way), 17 (because carving your initial alone is just plain sad), 18 (for who?) and 20 (because it's just wrong). 

things to avoid in Europe

       So here you go, 21 activities to avoid while traveling in Europe. These activity could get you heavily fined or jailed, hence read up, better safe than sorry

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Quick Guide to Iceland (19 Things You Need To Know Before Visiting Iceland )

Who wouldn't want to visit Iceland? If you are planning a trip to this majestic land of Ice and Fire, here are some tips I discovered during my recent Summer trip. Sharing is caring. 
Iceland flag

Thursday, November 17, 2016

How To Rent Camping Gears In Iceland + My Experience

After dropping our luggage in BSI Reykjavik, we walked to the city center to pick up our camping gears. Iceland Camping Equipment Rental is located in the heart of the city and from the street, you’ll be able to see their office which is located on the second floor. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Things You Have To Know Before Camping In Iceland

I recently went on a press trip to Iceland, well basically press trip means my tours, activities, hotel stays, hostel stays are all sponsored or paid for. But guess what, I did not go for the easy stuff because I like torturing myself (as some of you might think). I rejected most accommodation offers, and I went tent camping in the wilderness instead, without a Wi-Fi hotspot, or a car, or a plan. Was I crazy? Probably yes, I almost broke down trying to set up my tent in the harshest weather in South Iceland, but if life were a movie, I’d probably click on that God-damn replay button again and again.   
Here are some things you have to know before you make this big decision to camp. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

9 Cheap and Easy Meals You Can Make In The Hostel

One of the best way to save money while traveling, is to cook your own meals. However,  I highly encourage you to eat out at least once to try the local cuisine. Believe me, you don't have to be a top-chef to cook up these simple dishes. And if you handle the ingredients correctly (always wash them as well as your hands before cooking), you wouldn't get diarrhea. Just look at me, I am still alive.