Showing posts with label transportation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transportation. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Guide to Train Travel in Russia: How and What It's Like

        Russia is a huge HUGE country, and naturally, the Russian rail system is one of the most extensive in the world. For train travel enthusiasts, you’ll be glad to find out that trains in Russia are ridiculously punctual (If they say 10.04 departure, it starts moving at 10.04!), hence it is a better mode of transportation over domestic flights, if you have no time for delays. In this post, I’ll be listing out some basic information from every aspect of the Russian train system. Hope this will help you plan your journey more efficiently! 
Russia Train

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Solution to Visiting Iceland Without a Driver License: Bus Passport

"Hi, your Iceland posts inspired us a lot, thank you. I have a huge problem, I hope you can give me some suggestions: I don't have a driver license... but it seems to me that my trip would be ruined without one. My friends keep telling me to learn now, but the thing is, I am really afraid to drive in a foreign country... Is hitchhiking easy in all of Iceland? Is there any other choice for us? Thank you in advance..."
Solution: Bus Passport!
Iceland Bus

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Safety Guide: Hitchhiking Tips for Solo Travelers

Hitchhiking? Are you crazy? 
True enough, hitchhiking is said to be a risky act. Although I was afraid as well, I finally tried hitchhiking during my trip in Central Europe… of course, I always put safety first, by applying a few rules. 
Hitchhiking solo female

Friday, September 30, 2016

Bus Travel in Europe-- All you have to know.

So, I've told you all about my experience with the Europe Rail Pass in my last article HERE. I loved the flexibility and the comfortable seats, but I also hated the high reservation fees, especially in Italy! That was how I discovered a better alternative to train travel -- Bus Travel in Europe!
Bus travel in Europe

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Scoring The Cheapest Bus Tickets In The Height of Summer With GoEuro: $ 0.25!

Focusing on the transportation part of traveling, Berlin-based GoEuro is a God-sent travel platform that anyone planning an epic Europe trip needs to know about. Since I discovered GoEuro Website in Spring 2016 (the early stage of my travel planning), finding the best travel deals in this jungle of choices has never been easier. Long gone are the days when I have to open 20 tabs in Safari, frantically searching through a huge pile of deals, just to compare bus, train and flight tickets. In my humble opinion, this search website is very user-friendly as everything is pretty much straight to the point, time-saving as it lists down all the best travel deals geared towards your preferences that you’ve keyed in on the homepage. 

bus experience in Europe, GoEuro

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Complete Guide to Traveling Across Europe With an Interrail Global Train Pass!

Have you heard about Interrail or Eurail? When I was globetrotting across the Europe continent, I was quite surprised at the number of people who doesn't know about these train pass, including Europeans themselves! Hence, today I decided to write a complete (or almost complete) guide about it, from "how to buy a pass" to "how to return the pass" at the end of your journey!    

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Get Compensated for Bus Delays-- Fight for Your Rights!

My journey from Cologne to Rothenburg with Flixbus did not go as planned. We arrived at the Leverkusen Mitte station 15 minutes before the departure time but after 30 minutes waiting in the rain, I knew that I would be dealing with another bus delay.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How To Do Train Ticket Refund (SNCF)

A lot of my friends were in awe when I said I've successfully done a SNCF Train Ticket Refund. I did not know it is such a complicated process (some say impossible) but it did take 3 months for them to refund me. Here is exactly what happened. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Guide to Long-Distance (Overnight) Buses in Europe

When it comes to mode of traveling in Europe, bus travel is not on the top of your list. I get it, most visitors to Europe wouldn’t want to deal with the double-digit travel hours and risk arriving at their dream destinations looking like a total wreck. But the truth is, in most countries in South East Europe especially, long-distance bus travel is unavoidable. In some case, it might even be the only transportation option you’ve got! Long-distance bus travels could be enjoyable (It doesn't have to be miserable, really!). There, I’ve said it. And on top of that, it is the cheapest way to travel through Europe!
Europe long distance bus,megabus, flixbus.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Discover the Moscow Metro in 3 Simple Steps +10 Tips

Step 1: Get a Metro Map

Tip 1:  Get one in RUSSIAN, not in English
It will be much easier for you to navigate with a Russian Map. All you need to do is to stand in front of the Metro station name plague and compare the characters. If you get an English map, there will be nothing to compare. 
Also, a Russian map will save you a lot of time when you need help from the locals or police officers.  Just ask "G-di-e "and point to the map. They will happily show you the way. If you are lucky, someone might actually bring you to your station. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Plan a Pacific Coastal trip with Amtrak: Tips and Reviews

It is important that you know your preference. What do you want to see? Do you want to see more of Northern California and preferably includes Washington? Or do you want use Amtrak only for southern California and drive the rest of the route?

courtesy of Amtrak

Sunday, September 13, 2015

LA: A rough Guide on Transportation

Upon Arrival

courtesy of 
1. Airport Transfer
Most traveler, if travel by plane, will most probably arrive at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), due to much lower fare, more direct flight frequency if compared to other airports.
Make your way to downtown/ Hollywood:

Monday, September 7, 2015


While Hitchhiking is illegal in the USA, there are still some good tips on how to save on transport in NYC.