Showing posts with label bus travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bus travel. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

Bus Travel in Europe-- All you have to know.

So, I've told you all about my experience with the Europe Rail Pass in my last article HERE. I loved the flexibility and the comfortable seats, but I also hated the high reservation fees, especially in Italy! That was how I discovered a better alternative to train travel -- Bus Travel in Europe!
Bus travel in Europe

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Scoring The Cheapest Bus Tickets In The Height of Summer With GoEuro: $ 0.25!

Focusing on the transportation part of traveling, Berlin-based GoEuro is a God-sent travel platform that anyone planning an epic Europe trip needs to know about. Since I discovered GoEuro Website in Spring 2016 (the early stage of my travel planning), finding the best travel deals in this jungle of choices has never been easier. Long gone are the days when I have to open 20 tabs in Safari, frantically searching through a huge pile of deals, just to compare bus, train and flight tickets. In my humble opinion, this search website is very user-friendly as everything is pretty much straight to the point, time-saving as it lists down all the best travel deals geared towards your preferences that you’ve keyed in on the homepage. 

bus experience in Europe, GoEuro

Friday, September 9, 2016

Guide to Long-Distance (Overnight) Buses in Europe

When it comes to mode of traveling in Europe, bus travel is not on the top of your list. I get it, most visitors to Europe wouldn’t want to deal with the double-digit travel hours and risk arriving at their dream destinations looking like a total wreck. But the truth is, in most countries in South East Europe especially, long-distance bus travel is unavoidable. In some case, it might even be the only transportation option you’ve got! Long-distance bus travels could be enjoyable (It doesn't have to be miserable, really!). There, I’ve said it. And on top of that, it is the cheapest way to travel through Europe!
Europe long distance bus,megabus, flixbus.