Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2017

2 Weeks In Italy: Itinerary

When people ask me to suggest a country in Europe for a 2 weeks vacation, which is full of highlights and easy to get a visa. I’ll say Italy. This country is truly a perfect destination for all interest, either you are into culture or art, wine or pizza, architecture or nature, Italy got you covered.
2 weeks in Italy itinerary

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bucket-List Italy: Touring Sorbet-colored Cinque Terre

     When I found myself in Pisa, I knew I couldn’t miss the chance to witness the beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. I’ve seen too many beautiful pictures, received too many postcards and watched way too many documentaries. Now it is for real, I am going to see Cinque Terre with my very own eyes. One more dream destination from my travel bucket-list, checked!
Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre

Monday, October 3, 2016

Favorite Activity In Italy: Kayaking in Procida (Too Underrated!)

Totally wonderstruck, I shall make this statement at the top of my lungs: Joining a kayaking adventure with ASD Kayak Procida was the best decision I’ve made in the Gulf of Naples.  

Corricelle, Kayak, ASD Kayak Procida, Italy hidden gem, Procida

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Italy: Early Entrance into the Vatican City with Livitaly Tours

Vatican city is the smallest state in the world walled within the marvelous city of Rome. It is certainly one of my must-sees during this trip, but before I go, my friends warned me about the long lines, enormous crowd, and the scorching sun in June do no help either. 
Vatican City Early Entrance
The halls were almost empty when I visited, and that was in JUNE, the high season!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Italy: Italy for "Nature Person"

Capri, courtesy of
Are you a City person, Nature person or a Small Town person? If you are a nature person,check out this little list I have here that may blow your mind.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Italy: 15 most beautiful cities/towns you should not miss on your next trip to Italy
Italy is famous for its delicious cuisine, culture, language, architecture and so much more. The moment you land in Italy, your options are endless. No matter you are heading north to Milan or south to Sicily, there is surely something/somewhere that can easily take your breath away. Here is 15 cities/ towns you should never miss on your next trip to Italy.