Saturday, March 8, 2014

Woman’s day

Photo courtesy to Chan Jun Win. 
with the roommates and half-roommates. Photo Credit to Amber Liew.
I knew about Woman’s day from 3M since I was in standard 2. And I knew that it is celebrated on 8th march annually but I’ve never celebrated one before in Malaysia or seen any celebration happening. I guess Malaysians are not s keen about celebrating this day. After I came to Russia, this fact took a direct opposite turn as the Woman’s day is a big deal for these Russians. Woman’s day is one of the biggest celebration, only next to Victory day and New Year. 
I feel blessed when the boys work hard to create lovely memories for us girls as the best souvenirs. Thank you to all who put your effort in this event, and happy woman’s day to all the girls out there!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ordinary day

You totally caught me off guard. A russian wanna see me suddenly at night?! You made me drag our Hostel Leader along.... Haha... And I thought you say Valentine is just another ordinary day? Love your roses, Thank you! Let's beat the distance.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 13

Halloween celebration here is not as popular as it is in the States. Although there are numerous clubs in the city throwing Halloween party, I still can’t feel the eeriness due to the fact that I don’t do clubbing, and there’s nothing going on anywhere other than in the clubs: There’s no treat o’ trick or pumpkin carving anywhere. So when this boring situation reaches a threshold, an Halloween food treat is the only thing I can think of as an escape pathway out of boredom.   All food below are prepared by me and my roommates.

Smilling cookies by Madeline.
Cyanotic fingers and spider devil eggs by Cecilia. 
Graveyard cake by yours truthfully. 

Photo collage.
*Flower garlic bread by Kim.
Our “costumes”. Pig, dogs and a bird. Photo credit to Alicia
Although I wish to say that we should do this again, but sadly, Cecilia and LynWei are graduating next semester. So, Happy Halloween and I hope this add some colours to your final year in Volgograd. We wish both of you all the best in your future undertakings. J

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Musical in New Experimental Theatre, Volgograd

I’ve never been to a musical in Russia before and I am truly glad to have this production “Romeo and Juliet” as my first musical play.

And no, it’s not a classical play by William Shakespeare.  On the contrary, it’s rather sophisticated. Romeo and Juliet, in modern times. Although I am not a good reviewer on musical plays and theatre, the show was great and I really enjoyed it despite of the language barrier. Every plays like this require a lot of hard work on stage and off stage, so a standing ovation is the thing that they deserve.  

Photo before the show. (girls only)

Tickets in russian.

photos during break time.

Information of NET:
Address: 400131, Volgograd. World Street 5 

Phones numbers: 
Advance bookings: 38-08-39 or 8-902-361-90-01 Meleshina Nadezhda 
Cashier: 38-08-45 
operation time 
Mon-Fri: 10.00 - 19.00 
Sat, Sun: 10.00 - 18.00 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lunchbox with Love

I hate to sound like a housewife, but cooking and making yummy food is one of the greatest way for me to release stress. Japanese bento is one of my favourite food set and Bento is certainly one of my MUST-COOK. Lucky me, there is someone as crazy as I am for Japanese food and a cooking-date is what it eventually leads to.
Saadah is surely a pro in making cute bentos and she taught me how to make these little duckings with sesame seeds, corns, bird eggs and spaghetti. While the Rilakkuma Omurice bento is the cutest thing I learned online from a Japanese food guru “Ochikeron”. I love her tutorials because she explains everything step by step, and the thing that I love the most is her creativity. Click on her tutorial video below to find out more! *Sharing is caring*

There are a lot of tutorials available on her channel. Be sure to check it out sometime:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Autumn in my heart

In my opinion, autumn is the most beautiful season. Before I came to Russia to pursue further studies, I used to think that perhaps Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Imagine my disappointment when I first found out that true Spring just last about 2 weeks and all those flowers that make spring “Spring” withers away under the summerish scorching sun. Yes, it’s still spring as shown on the calendar, but unfortunately not in real life.

Autumn is always the perfect time to snap some photos. It’s a must do for students like us studying abroad. I love the weather: not too cold, not too hot. It’s always just right to scroll to the park right after class.

What I’ll always do is, searching for the perfect leaf to be my next bookmark. I’ve always been a nerd. Bonus is, I’ve always been a nerd, with a sense of art. Thank God for that.

Photo session in Chekistov Park after Pharmacology class. Photo credits to Amber Liew.
We don’t always have time for all these, it’s always important to create memories.

The Mamaef Kurgan hill never fail us when it comes to Autumn photo shooting. Golden and red leaves perfectly reflect Autumn.  

       And the best thing about outings and photo shooting? I would say it’s the golden time I get to spend with the people who care about me and I care about. The most important necessaries for overseas students is friends. Not just “friend”, but “true” friend. Some discovers them with ease but some only after a storm. Just like the Jewels in a treasure hunt: no pain no gain.   

Love this vintage feel.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Graduation photos in Russia.

Graduation photos back in Malaysia.

This graduation marks the end of their 6 years medical studies and the start of working life. Time to be doctors, all the best. Congratulations to all, especially my beloved Honey Bear and dear sister Janice :3. You two are the most inspiring and the bravest people I’ve met in Volgograd, the lows in life never led you down and both of you taught me to smile in the rain. Life lessons I would never forget, cheers to that. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


“You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
    It’s the morning of your very first day
   you say hi to your friends you ain’t seen in a while 
   Try and stay out of everybody’s way” ~ 15, Swift.

Yes, I did take a deep breath that day for I knew this is kinda a land of geniuses. That’s the morning of my very first day here, but I am not 15. I’m already 17, going to college. ^^  I didn’t say hi to my friends as, well…. I didn’t manage to make any yet and I was having a race against time. I didn’t stay out of everybody’s way either, in fact, they stayed out of mine. (Imaginary) =.=

When I first got here, I was late. Although I arrived at 8.30 am and the registration was supposed to start at 9.00 am, I was not on time as I had promise my fellow ChungLingiants that I will be there at 8.00am sharp. If it’s not because of the confusing road signs and all those roundabouts, I could have gotten there before 7.30 am! =P

Everything was new to me here. For a second, I thought I will be all alone in my hostel for other Chunglingiants are not taking the same course as me. See: Sheafen, ALG; Sinyen, ADFP. But miracles did happen. After taking my hostel keys, I stopped by before the administration office to pick up some Intec stuffs, and I met Sheafen and Sinyen. We exchanged our room numbers so that we can find each other in the future. Imagine our surprised face when Sheafen and I realized we have been placed into the very same house! Superb! =D

We rushed to Akasia together. At that time, that place was such a maze to me. I walked round and round and round and couldn’t find block 4. Luckily, with the help of the fascists, we found it, and it’s just beside the Photostat center! So much the drama when we realized they had given us the wrong keys: both of us. We anxiously waited for our third and fourth housemates to come and end our torture, coz that was not a good windy day… the heat, ouch!

Hannah from Kuching reached after our “long wait” outside the door. And I was screaming inside: “FINALLY!!!” However, she also had got the wrong keys... =’( Never mind, we continued waiting for our last hope to arrive. Three of us hardly talk. We just introduced ourselves, and talked to our parents, or simply stay quiet.

There comes another girl. The moment we have been waiting for! Unfortunately, after she tried to unlock the door, she turned to us and said “My keys cannot open the door… == ” By the way, she is Rebecca from Bintulu. I used to think that she is a Malay, but turned out she is an Iban. She is doing Russian Program and so do I, so I decided to be her roommate.

After we were done unpacking and arranging our stuffs, we, new housemates sited down and had a little chat in my room, just to know each other more. =) Rebecca was not there, she went to Giant to buy things because She didn’t bring too much things from Sarawak.

I already forgot what was next. A talk in Dewan Cemara, perhaps? Or I slept the evening away? I couldn’t recall back. So…. Ета все. ! ^^

1st outing with housemates and Chunglingiants to Sunway Pyramid. ^^
   Yeemin (A-level, MSU), Hannah, Sheafen (ALG, INTEC), Sinyen (ADFP, INTEC), Me (IRS, INTEC)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I attended CLB cultural night last Saturday.
Basically, we paid RM 15 to get in and chat+sleep+ facebooking using the school's wireless network...
Tat How still looks like a bamboo, nothing change.

The programme that I like the most is . I mean, who don't?
Although they didn't do Air Flare, their skills are still amazing. ^^

Then I love the wind orchestra's performance. Especially
(although I have been listening to the same melody over a hundred times.... still love it ^^)

by the choir was presented in a cReATiVe way. Thumbs up from me! =)
The idea of Card Board animals was a hit, way to go. =D

Well, watching juniors performing on stage was indeed a first time experience for me.
Kinda miss those days when we were the performers on stage instead of being an audience.
But when we were on stage back then, tense and worrying about our performance ,
we wished we were the audiences. 

Life is full of contradictions =D